A pronoun is a word which is used to replace other nouns for the purpose of simplifying a sentence. Examples of pronouns: He, She, Me, You, They, and it. Remember though, this site is designed to have FUN learning Russian, and to do so VISUALLY. Tune out noise and focus with your vision.
Who did it? He did. That is easier to say than “that man right there did”. Or, they did it, instead of “Those people did it”.
It belongs to me, or its over there. Instead of, “this item belongs to me”, or “this and that is over there”.
A noun – Some of us will remember this from school – “A Person, Place or Thing”. Sound familiar? Well that’s a noun, a thing like a place, an animal, an object etc… Russian nouns have a concept known as gender meaning they can be either masculine or feminine.
You should know the gender of all nouns. This sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But in order to be able to form correct endings of words you should know the gender of as many nouns as possible for you to remember.
Click here for a short list of Russian nouns.
Verb - a word that describes an action. One of the most important ways to improve your Russian is to know as many verbs as possible. Sounds fun right? See a list of many Russian verbs below.
Russian is actually easier to understand than English! In English there are very strict rules about word order in a sentence. Russian word order isn't as important as in English because the “cases” do a lot of the work for you. As well English seems to have two or three sometimes even a dozen words for the same meaning, or the same word. Not so much the case in the Russian language. Learn Russian here - VISUALLY with funny images!
First rule for learning new words, not to mention for learning Russian, is correct pronunciation.