Learn Russian online, FREE and FUN
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Before you start Learning Russian make sure you're ready. If you think there is a chance to start and then give up, then you already have given up. Take your time. You can learn one word a day or 10. There is no hurry but you should try to dedicate your self to learning Russian, in your own unique way!

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If you don't already have a good reason or need to learn Russian, then here you go; You can communicate with people from different countries, travel with confidence, study different books in other world perspectives (not losing words in translation). Speaking new languages is exciting and anyone can do it. You will meet new friends, maybe a GIRL ; ) and then, potentially, also be able to talk to your Russian speaking in-laws! Plus, just imagine being able to talk in Russian and impress people.

Understand that you can learn anything you want
and that you will benefit tremendously from knowing Russian.
-Bridge to Russian

Using Bridge To Russian is easy:
  • Choose Level One from the menu to the left
  • Click on a word to see it in Russian but with English, not Cyrillic
  • Click on the bottom of that page to go to the next word
  • The end of each group (Level) leads you to a fun & easy review to see what you remembered.
"You can not dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one."
-Henry D. Thoreau
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